Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SFI, EyeEarn and Maxmalls updates. April commissions.

New stores added to MaxMalls.

Anything Left Handed UK, CD WOW!, Match.com UK, Menulog Australia, Napster UK, QED UK, Travelocity Canada, The Bicycle Store Australia, Camping World, Columbia House Canada DVD Club, Napster.com and PricelineEurope.com are the newest additions to MaxMalls making the total number of stores at 240. Why not take some time to visit MaxMalls now.

New affiliates.

I received one new affiliate on May 21, two on May 23 and one more today from the EyeEarn co-op, bringing the total from EyeEarn to 60 new affiliates. I also received one new affiliate from other resources.



In today's fast-paced, graphic-intense online world, anyone who spends time surfing the Web needs a broadband connection to the Internet.

And now, SFI's brand new Broadband Service can give you, your team members, and prospective customers the speed and functionality needed to quickly navigate the Web and put your online business on the fast track.

Equipped to provide you and your customers with the right service, SFI Broadband lets you choose from local available carriers for DSL or Cable high-speed Internet service. What's more, SFI's network of carriers have provided thousands of customers with broadband services nationwide at the lowest prices available...guaranteed.

Even better, you can experience the quality of SFI Broadband service for yourself and gain 10 SVP and EA status for the month. And for each retail sale you make, you'll gain another 10 SVP for the month, as well as generating $20 CV!

For more information, check out the SFI Broadband Service now.

VeryVIP International Package

Designed for the SFI Affiliate who wants to obtain EA status without incurring international shipping charges AND gain access to the most powerful digital tools to promote his or her SFI business, the International Reseller's Package retails for only $39.95 and includes an EA-qualifying 10 SVP!

Affiliates will get all the features in the Professional Hosting Package plus:

  • An additional three (3) complete Website systems. (4 in all!)

  • The complete Rocketstart System.

  • The complete Resellers System, designed to promote the NiceOffers program and/or the VeryVIP Pro package to merchants.

  • An additional VeryVIP Pro System to use as a product demo or for your own projects.

  • The complete NiceOffers Coupon Promotion System, predesigned to promote NiceOffers coupons to consumers.

Make no mistake...The VeryVIP Sitebuilder is NOT just a bunch of type-over templates with some drag-and-drop graphics features. Designed by professional Website designers with over a decade of experience, this exciting tool lets you completely customize your Website like a professional, but WITHOUT the time-consuming learning curve.

That's because the VeryVIP Sitebuilder is HTML based with easy step-by-step instructions that walk you through the entire site creation process. You'll be free to concentrate on what matters most: creating an awesome personal business Website and professional Web presence that will help produce results through sales and massive Web traffic.

For more information about or to sign up for International Reseller's Hosting, go to the following page and scroll down to Option #4.

Commissions for April.

I received $19.92 commissions from SFI for April. Here is the breakdown.

$8.92 for Executive Bonus.

$8.90 for Executive Match.

$4.44 EM for one affiliate.

$4.46 EM for the other.

$2.10 for Maxmalls (6 shares @ $0.35 per share)

I don't know if you have visited the EyeEarn.com page and clicked on the learn more button. If you do you will notice a statement about the EyeEarn Audio Revenue Network (EARN). You will also get a share of the revenue generated from this program. I was browsing around the SFI Discussion Board and I found out that SFI is a publisher in the NetAudioAds program. Please see my earlier post about NAA. I believe that the revenue from this could surpass the revenue from MaxMalls. If you would like to know more about SFI please visit the discussion board. It is open to the public. I also just completed my re-qualification for the EyeEarn program.

1 comment:

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